SPH102 Make-up CAT March 2023 SOLVED
(1) A simple harmonic wave is represented by
The time period is 30 s. At time t=0, the displacement is 5 cm. Calculate the phase angle (2πt/2 +φ) at t=7.5 s
To find the value of φ, use boundary condition y= 5cm at t=0
Phase angle at t=7.5 s, T=30 s
(2) A tuning fork A of frequency 384 Hz gives 6 beats per second when sounded with another tuning fork B. On loading B with a little wax, the number of beats per second become 4. What is the frequency of B?
When fB is loaded with a little wax, the beat frequency reduces. This can only happen if B had a higher frequency relative to A (since loading reduces frequency) hence;
(3)A guitar wire of length 80 cm is under a tension of 30 N. A 10 m sample of that wire has a mass of 2.2 g. Find;
(a)The speed of the transverse waves on the wire
(b) The fundamental frequency
(4) A train travelling at 45 km/h produces a whistling sound of frequency 600 Hz. Another train approaches this train on a parallel rail and a person in the second train hears the whistling of the first trains as sound of frequency 800 Hz. Find the speed of the second train. Assume the velocity of sound = 340 m/s.
f=600 Hz
f’=800 Hz
v=340 m/s
1 Comment(s)
James Raminya (Wed, 29th Mar 2023, 11:46 PM)
easy understanding